All valid referrals for diagnostic tests are BULK BILLED, except for blood pressure monitor which does not have Medicare rebate
To make an appointment, contact our rooms on (03) 8456 0955 Please arrive 5-10 minutes early for your appointment to complete any forms prior to seeing our cardiologists or having your test.
For all appointments please bring:
- your medicare card, pension, healthcare or DVA cards
- your referral letter
- medications or a medication list
- all other relevant information, such as hospital discharge papers
- and a family , friend or carer for those who are non English speaking
when making appointment please advise reception staff if it is you first time seeing the cardiologist New appointment booking are 20min and review consults being 15min
SMS appointment reminders
Northside Cardiology sends out SMS appointment reminders 48 hours prior to any test. Should you wish to receive an appointment reminder, please ensure you advise your mobile phone number on making an appointment. Notifications advise the test type, date & time and location of the test and allow you to confirm your appointment via return SMS , it is strongly advised that patient replies to this sms
Cancelling an appointment
Please contact us at least one day ahead if you need to cancel your appointment. An alternative time can be arranged when calling. Calling ahead to cancel allows us to offer your time to another patient.
Results are sent to the referring doctor as soon as possible to minimise any delay in ongoing medical treatment. A majority of our reports are sent electronically
Patient Fees
When you make an appointment, the reception staff will inform you about the expected fees and charges. At Northside Cardiolgy all cardiac investigations and tests are bulk billed so there will be no out of pocket expense for our patients.
Consultation fees apply to New & Review patient as well as blood pressure monitor patients . Reception staff process the payments on their behalf. EFTPOS facilities are available and credit cards are accepted. Staff are happy to process payment to medicare on behalf of all patients , medicare will then reimburse the patient
If you have any questions about the fees please contact our reception staff on (03) 8456 0955